Description: I support single moms
Description: I steal candy from children
Description: 573
Description: 636
Description: 618
Description: You are a big deal online
Description: Don't be a Richard
Description: Woke up sexy as hell again
Description: Dad jokes!
Description: More love less hate
Description: Be a kind human.
Description: Candy Corn hates you too!
Description: Candy Corn doesn't like you either
Description: Pumpkin shirt.
Description: If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It
Description: Be the kind friend
Description: Live and learn.
Description: The best jams.
Description: Only direction to go.
Description: KLS.
Description: Dasher shirt
Description: Shiloh, IL
Description: St. Charles, MO
Description: Belleville, IL
Description: St. Louis, MO
Description: Simple.
Description: Sports!
Description: Are you nice?
Description: People ask me all the time. Saw an old pic of Chevy Chase wearing it and I needed one. lol
Description: Get Grizzlie
Description: "No time for sentiment, Luke. We need to get fighting. So, Flight Leader, what's our call sign?"
Description: Music is life.
Description: Name a better duo, we'll wait.